Make money with Spin & Go's on Pokerstars

Basic Strategy

Basic Spin & Go Strategy

Although Spin & Go's are a relatively new format of poker, having some experience playing short-handed cash games or short-handed in the late stages of tournaments will put you in good stead for this specific format. Due to the 3 minute levels and players starting with only 25bb, having a concrete strategy will help you play optimally when a lot of your opponents will just be trying Spin & Go's out for the first time. By following some of the key points below, you should be able to develop an edge over your opponents despite the shallow stack you'll be starting with.

Calling Becomes Shoving (Small Blind)

For 20bb effective

+EV Open Jam
Spin & Go Jamming Range

Due to the shallow stacks, calling an open raise becomes a lot less profitable in this format. You'll only be playing 25bb effective poker in the first level and even then, you should only really have a calling range from the big blind. The problem with calling raises out of the small-blind is that you'll be out of position every time and you'll struggle to realise the full equity of your hand when post-flop. Therefore, a lot more hands are added to your 3-bet jamming range, which is going to be so much more profitable than calling.

A typical 3-bet jamming range from the small-blind can be the following. See table on the right "For 20bb effective".

Admittedly, this specific range can be adjusted depending on the opponent opening from the button. If the player has been relatively tight, you can adjust the range accordingly and the same applies for players who are extremely aggressive. In addition, this range can also be applied to the big blind, but considering you have already invested 1bb into the pot, majority of the time you'll be getting the right price to just call with most of your range, even off a short stack.

Raise Sizing

Spin & Go Raise Sizing

Preserving your stack at all times is something that will go a long way in Spin & Go's. So, whenever you're opening from the button, min-raising is ideal as you don't have anything invested in the pot so risking the least amount of your stack is going to be much more profitable.

As for the small blind, considering you already have half of the big blind invested, you have more incentive to fight for the pot and try to take down the hand. Therefore, upping your sizing to around 2.5x is fine from this position as you're increasing fold equity and giving the BB less incentive to call. A common mistake people make from this position is min-raising, you give your opponent a great price to call and they then have an advantage playing in position. Also, the shorter you become, the more you'll start to open shove from the small blind and raise sizing won't be an issue.

Button and Small Blind - Jamming Ranges

After the first few levels of a Spin & Go, more often than not you'll find yourself playing a push or fold strategy with <11bb. You'll no longer have the stack to play post-flop poker and 3-bet/folding becomes a less favourable option as well. So, if you're struggling to build a +EV jamming range from these positions, the following charts will give you an idea of what your range should look like. See table "11bb button range".

As your stacks becomes shorter than 11bb, you can start to add a few more hands into your jamming range, but this is a good way to build your range and gain some experience by using a set strategy. See table "11bb small blind range".

11bb button range

+EV Open Jam
Spin & Go Button Open Shove

11bb small blind range

+EV Open Jam
Spin & Go small blind open shove

As you can see, your small blind jamming range becomes a lot wider as you only have to get one player to fold. Similar to the button, the shorter you are the wider you can open jam. Additionally, if the player in the big blind seems like an extremely tight player, you can widen your jamming range as they won't be calling with the correct range. Once you've started getting a feel for your opponents, you can adjust your ranges accordingly and start to build a strategy of your own.


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